Grand Erie Public Health is advising the community of a new measles exposure location in Norfolk. Exposure to the measles virus may have occurred at Norfolk General Hospital, 365 West St. in Simcoe, ...
Supporters are ready to take on Norfolk County bylaw after hearing that the popular musical events hosted on the legion patio have been halted – at least temporarily – due to a noise complaint.
A car caught fire in a Port Dover parking lot earlier this month, and officials are at a loss to explain why. A sport utility ...
Tait said Norfolk has about 84 per cent of its force available for frontline duty, which is substantially higher than some ...
Norfolk OPP are hoping the public can help to identify a shoplifting suspect. Police were called to a West Street business in ...
Ministry analysis showed no issue with the volume of drinking water available in Norfolk’s urban areas, with each of the ...
Brant County and the City of Hamilton take a similar approach to Norfolk in that their respective Indigenous acknowledgments ...
Postmedia is launching a new self-serve advertising platform to help businesses simplify digital and print advertising.
Evidence of local Lions Clubs’ benevolence is seen all across Norfolk County. The Simcoe Lions Ballpark on Davis Street East ...
Haldimand County voters will be going to the polls on April 10 to elect councillors for two wards.   Ward 1 candidates are ...
Washik initially indicated she mishandled an unfamiliar water-gun during a play fight with a kid at a neighbourhood gathering ...
A mutual friend got him in touch with a casting director and soon he was sending samples to Canada’s Got Talent producers.