These examples are related to what is referred to as the “doorway effect”, or “location updating effect” which supposes that ...
Conversely, the US Federal Communications Commission still sticks to the rules introduced in the 1980s and ‘90s that outright ...
U sing a non-invasive method of analysis, researchers have discovered that the pieces making up the famous Pompeii mosaic of ...
Originally, the species was found only on Lord Howe Island between Australia and New Zealand in the Tasman Sea. In 1918, the ...
The new threat level issued by Japan’s Earthquake Research Committee is similar to estimates published in the journal ...
Prionailurus kurteni was discovered from a fragment of jaw bone in Hualongdong Cave and is believed to be between 275,000 and ...
F or the first time, researchers have found evidence that people were using red ochre in West Africa during the Middle Stone ...
The preservation organization’s list, the World Monuments Watch, usually sticks to cultural heritage sites within Earth’s ...
K eys, phones, headphones, socks, thermonuclear weapons – some things just always seem to go missing. Believe it or not, ...
It might look like the colored corn starch used in some fun runs, but the powder being dropped by planes is actually fire ...